About Us


The F. Scott Fitzgerald Society was founded in 1992 with an inaugural conference at Hofstra University. The purpose of the society is to promote appreciation of the novels and stories of Fitzgerald through (a) the organization of the Society’s general meetings and other special conferences; (b) the publication of an annual newsletter (usually in February); and c) the publication of The F. Scott Fitzgerald Review (usually in December); and d) the promotion and support of affiliated organizations. All members shall be entitled to attend and vote at the Society’s general meetings, hold office in the Society, and receive The F. Scott Fitzgerald Society Newsletter and The F. Scott Fitzgerald Review, along with any other publications authorized by the Board of Directors.

The purpose of this website is to promote Fitzgerald studies by offering membership in the Society, posting calls for papers and announcements of conferences relevant to Fitzgerald, disseminating accurate information and bibliographies about the life and works of Fitzgerald, and offering individuals interested in self-teaching and teachers of high school and college a variety of materials and networking opportunities to enhance their study and appreciation of Fitzgerald, his work, and his times.

The International F. Scott Fitzgerald Society is an affiliate of the American Literature Association.

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