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Today marks exactly eight weeks until The Great Gatsby turns 100. Accordingly, we're kicking off our Gatsby Centennial Readings program to celebrate this landmark. Tune in to our website, our YouTube channel, or to your favorite podcast distributor as each week we feature a major American author reading a chapter from this greatest of all American novels.

For chapter 1, we were fortunate to recruit Jonathan Franzen to introduce us to Nick, Daisy, Tom, Jordan, and, of course, Daisy. It's truly a different and unique experience luxuriating in Fitzgerald's luminescent prose hearing his cadences read aloud in Franzen's own voice.

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We are excited to announce that registration for "New York, New Perspectives, and The Great Gatsby: The 17th International F. Scott Fitzgerald Society Conference," is officially open.

To access information on conference, please visit the Fitzgerald Society webpage at

Although registration will remain open until April 15, it is absolutely paramount that for those needing lodging in the city that you make your plans now. Hotel prices in NYC can change with the weather (and usually not to customer advantage). It will be much cheaper for you to book early with a refundable option than scramble in April.

Our academic HQ for the week is the New School, thanks to our wonderful site director, Anne Maragret Daniel. Our social HQ for the week will be the NYC Moxy East Village, which we encourage you to take a gander at. It is really a sweet hotel.

Please note that we intend to have a schedule for the week by mid-February (possibly late February). We will be updating the website and our social media to announce special guests and added events as we confirm them. Please note that your registration fee includes the opening reception and the closing banquet, more about which will follow soon, as well as refreshments during the conference breaks. We are trying to keep fees low, which is not easy. But we are very excited by the excellent proposals we have received.

The webpage includes details on lodging!

We are excited to announce that registration for New York, New Perspectives, and The Great Gatsby: The 17th International F. Scott Fitzgerald Society Conference, is officially open.

To access information on conference, please visit the Fitzgerald Society webpage at

Although registration will remain open until April 15, it is absolutely paramount that for those needing lodging in the city that you make your plans now. Hotel prices in NYC can change with the weather (and usually not to customer advantage). It will be much cheaper for you to book early with a refundable option than scramble in April.

Our academic HQ for the week is the New School, thanks to our wonderful site director, Anne Maragret Daniel. Our social HQ for the week will be the NYC Moxy East Village, which we encourage you to take a gander at. It is really a sweet hotel.

Please note that we intend to have a schedule for the week by mid-February (possibly late February). We will be updating the website and our social media to announce special guests and added events as we confirm them. Please note that your registration fee includes the opening reception and the closing banquet, more about which will follow soon, as well as refreshments during the conference breaks. We are trying to keep fees low, which is not easy. But we are very excited by the excellent proposals we have received.

The webpage includes details on lodging!

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Does anyone want to share the 4-Bunk room at the Moxy? There is One of me, so room for 3 more!

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In case you're stuck in Snowpalooza 25 like some of us and you're looking for something to escape the existential bleakness, here is a great podcast featuring the inimitable Sarah Churchwell on Gatsby and how we have misinterpreted it for too long. Sarah just wrote the intro to Jim West's reissue of the Cambridge edition:

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"The snow of twenty-nine wasn't real snow. If you didn't want it to be snow, you just paid some money."

Best book I have ever read about Gatsby

Excellent! But I have to admit that without existential bleakness I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

read it last year

The quintessential novel of the 1920’s.

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Board member Erin Templeton during the summer of 2019 in the room in which Scott and Zelda stayed in 1926 in Salies-de-Béarn, France:

Two of our members from Brasil, Marcela Lanius and Roberta Fabbri Viscardi, also in Salies-de-Béarn in 2019 (the last time we could all be together!):

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