Registration is now open until 15 April for our 16th International Conference! We'll be meeting 26 June-2 July 2023 in Växjö, Sweden at Linnaeus University, so click here to join us!
Welcome to the website of the F. Scott Fitzgerald Society!
A Home for Scholarly Bonhomie.
Tune into our monthly podcast!
Learn about Fitzgerald's 180 short stories!
Scott Donaldson (1929-2020)
Join us in celebrating the life and legacy of one of the central figures in F. Scott Fitzgerald Studies
If you missed our 2021 programming, never fear! Our video discussions on a range of topics are still available ... for FREE!

Welcome to the

F. Scott Fitzgerald Society

Welcome to the F. Scott Fitzgerald Society, an international forum for the promotion, understanding and enjoyment of the works of F. Scott Fitzgerald. The purpose of this website is to promote study of the life and work of F. Scott Fitzgerald. Here you’ll find all the information you need on joining the society, upcoming conferences and publications, outreach efforts to promote Fitzgerald to general audiences, and materials and networking opportunities available to anyone and everyone interested in the author of The Great Gatsby, Tender Is the Night, and many other compelling works of literature.

“You don’t write because you want to SAY SOMETHING,
you write because you have SOMETHING TO SAY.”

-F. Scott Fitzgerald

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